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It’s Working Again… Mostly

It's Working Again... Mostly

Here's the thing... The site got hosed after an update because a plug-in scrambled everything. This is a known bug but was installed and activated by Mojo Marketplace automatically. So when I decided to finally get working on this again to get back on line properly I researched how to manually install WordPress, which I did. But then I didn't have the time to actually begin the process of rebuilding - until now.

I installed the SiteOrigin plugin and related widgets and began not only rebuilding but learning yet another software. But I know this would pay off in the long run as I help maintain two other web sites that I'll be upgrading soon. So this site is the beta tester, the guinea pig of sites.

Well so far all works - except when going into the Blog section - it won't come out unless you click the site name on the upper left of the page. I'm still researching this problem and will get it resolved as soon as I can. But until then... Have a smooth day.

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Waking Up

Waking Up

Yes... It's been a long time. The site crashed after much work and life just got away. We're beginning to bring things back under control now and hope you'll stay with us as we do.

So many changes... and often they can come out of nowhere and always unexpectedly. But after decades of what felt as stagnation the World is prompting us to move from an old way of doing things to something untried. That can create anxiety and that's what we are all dealing with in the now.
Stick around... we'll have more as the site evolves.

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