This story came to me recently as a way to explain where we are in the changes we are experiencing. Everyone I meet is going through some sort of life challenge currently with emotions being stirred up to a high level. I feel if we break down the word Emotion it can be defined this way: Energy Motion or E-motion. Even the scientist Einstein stated, “Nothing happens until something moves” and at present a lot of energy is moving. And some of this energy is a type that cannot be defined or understood since it’s arriving from areas of the Galaxy we haven’t been exposed to before. All the energy types we have experienced in the past are just that, in the past. New energies have arrived and these energies can also be thought of as new vibrations or a new vibrational energy.
Now some may say, “What the heck are you talking about, vibrations… energies… I don’t understand.” You see, our Solar System orbits around the center of the Galaxy just as Earth orbits around our Sun. The date of December 21, 2012 was a marker in time where our Solar System, along with Earth, has orbited into a different energetic section that’s being affected by the Galactic Center. This is being discussed in the scientific communities as various different types of gamma rays and cosmic rays are being detected and speculated upon, these frequencies and intensities being a bit different than before.
“Okay, so what does this mean to me?” This. The support systems we have been used to for centuries are falling apart. Not all at once mind you since the Source of All would not want to destroy the Earth or Humanity in the process. It is a fairly slow process allowing Humans, who for the most part really dislike change, to adapt to the new way of being as the old paradigms begin breaking down and fading away. Some are livid about this change and they will do all they can to stop it. But they can’t, just as you would not be able to stop a boulder in midair as it falls from a cliff.
So in order to attempt to explain this in a way we might understand this concept easier I was given an allegory, a story that illustrates what is happening to us in the now.
There is a magic house situated next to a river. And as we stand on the riverbank we can detect the scent of peppermint that seems to be coming from the water as it flows past. For many years we’ve become used to this scent and enjoy our time by the river. Then one night while we are sleeping, for whatever reason, our magic house transports itself and us to a new location on the banks of another river. When we awaken we discover we are in a different location so we decide to explore.
There are different creatures of types we haven’t seen before roaming the land and we are saddened because we no longer see our animal friends we have been used to. But our spirits begin to lighten as we discover a different scent emanating from the water flowing in our new river. This new scent is of lavender and it helps us calm from the change we just experienced. And we begin living life in this new area with new trees, creatures and scents to learn. After a time we realize this new location isn’t bad in fact it’s better than where we were holding ourselves for many years. We become accustomed to our new surroundings and settle into our daily routine. Then one night as we sleep our magic house transports us to yet another place next to another river.
In the morning we awaken to find we have been moved to another location and our emotions well up as sadness sets in again. This time when we visit the riverbank we detect the scent of jasmine and it helps us transition into this new location and we begin adjusting to this new area.
But as time proceeds forward as time does, the perceived schedule, if there is one, seems to be speeding up. And we awaken again to another location as our magic house has moved us once more. More newness and even more resistance by those still lamenting the time we lived along a river that smelled like peppermint. But this time our river has a rose scent. The scent of rose being of a higher vibration, this higher frequency assists us to begin settling in much faster than before.
Those who have been able to connect the dots of what has been happening over the last number of decades can understand that we are being given opportunities to experience life each day in a higher way. You see, life is not meant to be stagnant doing the same things in the same way for centuries. That is not the way of the Universe. The Universe is constantly in motion ever expanding outward. But Humanity has been ordered to remain stationary in a fluid environment and has done a fairly good job doing so. But just as a child’s balloon that is being filled can only take a finite amount of air before it bursts, so it goes with Humanity. Humanity could be held in place only so long before the vibrational changes that have been occurring for a number of decades finally burst the balloon. There are many that are melancholy for the days of the old balloon and are trying as hard as they can to mend the balloon but it has reached the end of its usefulness and must be discarded. We are becoming untethered to any system that attempts to corral Humans into a pen like animals. The energies arriving now are supporting our changes into a new area where everyone will have opportunities to connect with abundance and a good life.
The allegory above can be likened to our Earth, our magic house that keeps moving our location to yet another river of energy of different vibrational scents. When we awaken tomorrow there might be yet a new scent for us to enjoy as we change locations once again. There’s no need to fight it since nothing can be done to stop the ever increasing speed of the change. It’s best we just ride it out knowing we are being taken well care of by our own magic house. Enjoy the journey…