Time for a bit of esoteric pondering.
A recent experience brought forth a Random Thought about Power and who was more powerful. She’s powerful, he’s powerful, that’s powerful and so on. Everything around us has a defined amount of energy often referred to as power. Often we disregard our own power relegating it to others due to social pressures or conditioning. How many reading this have been told; “Where did you get that idea? Who do you think you are, anyway? What (or who) put that thought in your head?” These are usual responses to out-of-the-box thinking that many open-minded people often experience. And often as quickly they are shut down by those wishing to maintain the status quo preferring not to make waves and draw attention toward them and avoiding critical thinking at all cost. This is something conditioned into many students in our Country’s factory school system.
But this notion of power and who has more seems to be something that’s misunderstood. There was a wise statement from a very famous document that actually makes sense. It goes, “All (wo)men are created equal.”
Now if you can embrace that statement as truth that leaves a lot of potential for everyone. You see, it feels like We The People have been hoodwinked into believing we are nothing, worthless dirty Humans needing to atone for some crime we didn’t actually commit. This allows some to utilize a system of Control over the powerful masses to keep them corralled in a predetermined box of beliefs in order to extract energy from those very same masses for another’s gain. If you now have or have had a traditional job you should be well able to understand this concept.
This system didn’t spring up overnight. It was calculated by men who knew they would be long dead when it came to be at its strongest over the masses. But just like any faulty, unbalanced system it will eventually fall. This is what we are witnessing currently. But as usual, I digress so back to the original thought.
So addressing this concept of power and who has more is a tricky path to follow because of the conditioning we accepted as our own. I’d like to illustrate my thought with an example that might make it easier for me to understand and share it with you.
In front of us on a table we see two table lamps with the shades removed. The light bulbs clearly visible to see, we step closer to observe both bulbs are labeled 100 watts. Okay. Now we step back a few feet and our helper switches both lamps on and the bulbs begin shining with 100 watts of illumination. For what we can see both light bulbs appear to be of the same brightness and also giving off the same amount of heat.
But something is amiss. One of the bulbs doesn’t believe it’s as bright as the other. It was told to believe over the course of its creation that even though it will end up as a 100 watt bulb it just won’t be as bright as other 100 watt bulbs. Eventually this little bulb finally believed it was less-than even before any energy was applied to make it shine. So now the other bulb, knowing the conditioned belief applied and accepted by the other bulb, knew it could intimidate and control the conditioned bulb into backing down and allowing the superior bulb to shine brightly. But what is interesting is both bulbs, to a casual observer, are shining equally, their luminescence emitting the same energy. But one bulb doesn’t believe that and therefore feels less than. The self-proclaimed more powerful bulb can intimidate the conditioned bulb into doing almost anything because, after all, that’s just the way of things.
Can you see where this is going? What we are observing around us currently are Human light bulbs beginning to become aware they shine just as brightly as those who have been pushing a false truth that there are those who are just better than others, somehow allowing some to be used and abused for the gain of others. This awareness is happening all over the World and the men who have been in control of this twisted system are turning up the heat to extract as much gain as possible before the tainted system crashes into ashes. They are no longer able to throw us into fear and panic as they once were able to do. They overplayed their hand and drove us so far into fear we had nowhere else to go but up and out of the quagmire they conditioned us to believe we must exist in.
To summarize, it may take a little more time until the World reaches critical mass, a consciousness shift that prompts many to awaken to an awareness that quite a bit of their beliefs aren’t even their own but were put there by others with an agenda. If what was written many years ago is true, “All (wo)men are created equal”, then each of us shines with the brightness of a 100 watt bulb. Once that awareness can be accepted as fact, nothing they do can affect us anymore, similar to discovering the man behind the curtain.
You are a magnificent 100 watt bulb. It’s time we begin shining brightly again and knowing we are shining brightly, exposing with increasing light all of the darkness perpetrated upon Humanity for far too long. Knowing who you truly are creates a freedom all of us have desired for a long time. Let’s begin today.
Month: May 2019
Conditioned Into Stress
- by George
It begins early. Our System was designed that way. Not by the masses but by a few who desired to use others for their own personal gain. It’s Stress. It is something we Westerners have been literally ordered to accept. Is there a way out?
Yes there is.
But it’s insidious. Because it’s hidden behind many veils that most are unaware of. For me, it took years to discover the pathway into the source of most stress. It was passed down from generation to generation, accepted as a normal part of life. By using various tactics, our feelings have been replaced by beliefs and those beliefs have been supplied by others. Consider that when we entered this life we brought only feelings – the feeling of hunger, the feeling of discomfort, the feeling of the love from our mother, all feelings and at that time, the total absence of beliefs.
And with those feelings we somehow knew how to express the desires we had to receive nourishment, have our diapers changed, to express when we were tired or uncomfortable and so on. This system served us well and we continued with this until that fateful day when we began to understand language. That’s when it began.
Slowly, with precision, the control system instituted long ago began seeping in. We began hearing about belief systems we were conditioned to accept as our own truth. As time marched forward many of our feelings were being heaved aside being replaced by beliefs – their beliefs. The sad truth is the beliefs and truths we were being told to believe weren’t even our own. They were part of a system designed to gain control over us to do the bidding of a few. This is the fundamental base of the stress we suffer from today.
You see, when we know something and we knowingly pretend not to know it in order to take an easy way into compliance, a part of us goes into a type of overload. Our entire biology, our mental and emotional systems begin overloading with the knowing we have become incongruent and inauthentic. We become inauthentic in order to fit in, to get that job we were conditioned to believe we must take, to join a religious system that is incongruent in its doctrines, to be accepted into certain circles of influence, the drama enactments we become involved in that keep us in a drug-like state to support that need to be approved of and accepted.
Our jobs that we were conditioned to believe we all had to work toward to “become a success” have twisted systems of management by negative reinforcement – things like, “Great job on saving the company from bankruptcy Bob, but you forgot to empty your waste basket yesterday.” Excellent motivation, if you are a masochist. But here we are accepting negativity at every turn like it’s some acceptable, normal life event but our biology, emotions and mental promptings know, beyond a doubt, this whole illusion is bullshit.
And if you attempt to step away from the system we were conditioned to believe is the only way to live, we are shamed six ways from Sunday until we step back into lockstep or disappear entirely.
There is so much more involved but by now the point has been made. The incongruent lifestyle we are told to participate in is entirely opposite of our feelings. And yet we chose to continue in this bondage of stress in order to get more money, more love, more material things, more food, more, more, more and the list goes on and on.
It continues only until our own personal systems begin to rebel with the stress instilled by a system of another’s choosing. Disease, or dis-ease, begins to creep in or sometimes just shows up overnight and knocks us down hard enough in an attempt to wake us up to what we pushed aside so long ago. The feelings we chose to bury to become a good, compliant Human begin to reappear to us. But they have been buried so long we hardly recognize these feelings and often push them aside once again due to the fear, pain and sadness these feelings are bringing to the surface for us to observe and feel once more.
The secret is to allow these feelings and knowings to appear in our current awareness, face them, acknowledge them, forgive the traumatic feelings and know they were the very same feelings we arrived with on this Planet when we were born. They are the pure feelings, the true feelings of guidance in our lives, not the fake guidance we adopted as our own so we would be accepted into the pack. They are the true feelings we brought with us from “the other side”, the feelings we brought with us when we decided to incarnate into this lifetime as a Spiritual Being having a Human experience.
In short, the one with real, true courage is one who will acknowledge these feelings for what they are - the pure Spirit feelings we arrived with. It isn’t wrong to know these feelings are our true guidance, given to us to experience Free Will on this World in order to understand how heavy energy can corrupt Humans and light energy, the energy some call love, will create a peaceful, non-stressful life that we all desire.
All we have to do is accept the promptings to open up to allowing our feelings to reemerge once again, throwing aside the tainted beliefs of others. When this happens the gifts we receive will be those we could only have dreamed of. And the stress we believed we had to live under on a daily basis will begin to magically melt away.