Actually, there are multiple trains. They arrive when they arrive and they leave when they leave.
The pause in the journey is to allow the passengers to disembark to experience the area where the train has arrived. Then the call is made to return to the train and it continues to the next destination. It is Free Will that allows the passengers to remain since they know another train will be along shortly and their ticket allows them to board and continue their journey when they wish. Here is the issue – some make a choice to remain at the station never allowing themselves to board another train. It’s like this…
One gets to a station and is greatly moved by a person or the scenery or location or feeling the area has to offer. They can see themselves accomplishing various things, perhaps with another they have connected with on their travels through life. The feelings, the emotions, run high because the ‘newness’ of it all tends to overwhelm, clouding judgement of what is. And along the way there are others who have been traveling with you and friendships have been made. But the call is made and the train will be leaving the station tomorrow but the emotions, the feelings, are still running high and the decision is made to remain at this station. Others decide it’s time to board and move along with their journey of discovery.
But after the train has departed, the feelings and emotions began to change. Discoveries were made and the wonderfulness of the moment had faded, the memories and visions of what was to be remained. Those visions are no longer valid, the emotions and feelings have changed.
Now here is where issues are manufactured. Those visions were of a different time – circumstances have changed. But often one wishes those visions come to be – but they can’t. It isn’t ‘Then’ anymore – it’s Now. The train has left the station and with that it has moved toward the potential of those visions, those dreams, which might have come to fruition. However, a choice was made to remain in a feeling, a vibrational existence of the moment, believing the time had come. And it had. But in order for the vision to be fulfilled one had to board the train to continue the journey. The vision was to be fulfilled further along the voyage but the choice was made to remain in a vibrational situation that felt good in the moment – and evolving might destroy that feeling. It was never considered the next step had potential to enhance the feelings.
This is a metaphor of how we have been conditioned to believe it works. However, by rejecting the unknown opportunity the Universe interprets your request and fulfills it with exactly what you have asked for – to remain right where you are at the moment. Unfortunately the majority of people have been conditioned to believe playing it safe is the way to go through life when in essence just by safely continuing along the way will allow more and more to become available in life. By remaining stagnant, nothing new arrives and then questions of why nothing new arrives are a constant burden. Realization of this belief and then the action to begin making changes in this belief is what will get things moving again.
This is the message the Train brings. Getting off and getting back on again is the natural way of things. Experience life around a station but become aware when it’s time to move on. The train is moving on next week. What wonderfulness awaits you at the next station…
Actually, there are multiple trains. They arrive when they arrive and they leave when they leave.
The pause in the journey is to allow the passengers to disembark to experience the area where the train has arrived. Then the call is made to return to the train and it continues to the next destination. It is Free Will that allows the passengers to remain since they know another train will be along shortly and their ticket allows them to board and continue their journey when they wish. Here is the issue – some make a choice to remain at the station never allowing themselves to board another train. It’s like this…
One gets to a station and is greatly moved by a person or the scenery or location or feeling the area has to offer. They can see themselves accomplishing various things, perhaps with another they have connected with on their travels through life. The feelings, the emotions, run high because the ‘newness’ of it all tends to overwhelm, clouding judgement of what is. And along the way there are others who have been traveling with you and friendships have been made. But the call is made and the train will be leaving the station tomorrow but the emotions, the feelings, are still running high and the decision is made to remain at this station. Others decide it’s time to board and move along with their journey of discovery.
But after the train has departed, the feelings and emotions began to change. Discoveries were made and the wonderfulness of the moment had faded, the memories and visions of what was to be remained. Those visions are no longer valid, the emotions and feelings have changed.
Now here is where issues are manufactured. Those visions were of a different time – circumstances have changed. But often one wishes those visions come to be – but they can’t. It isn’t ‘Then’ anymore – it’s Now. The train has left the station and with that it has moved toward the potential of those visions, those dreams, which might have come to fruition. However, a choice was made to remain in a feeling, a vibrational existence of the moment, believing the time had come. And it had. But in order for the vision to be fulfilled one had to board the train to continue the journey. The vision was to be fulfilled further along the voyage but the choice was made to remain in a vibrational situation that felt good in the moment – and evolving might destroy that feeling. It was never considered the next step had potential to enhance the feelings.
This is a metaphor of how we have been conditioned to believe it works. However, by rejecting the unknown opportunity the Universe interprets your request and fulfills it with exactly what you have asked for – to remain right where you are at the moment. Unfortunately the majority of people have been conditioned to believe playing it safe is the way to go through life when in essence just by safely continuing along the way will allow more and more to become available in life. By remaining stagnant, nothing new arrives and then questions of why nothing new arrives are a constant burden. Realization of this belief and then the action to begin making changes in this belief is what will get things moving again.
This is the message the Train brings. Getting off and getting back on again is the natural way of things. Experience life around a station but become aware when it’s time to move on. The train is moving on next week. What wonderfulness awaits you at the next station…