Time for a bit of esoteric pondering.
A recent experience brought forth a Random Thought about Power and who was more powerful. She’s powerful, he’s powerful, that’s powerful and so on. Everything around us has a defined amount of energy often referred to as power. Often we disregard our own power relegating it to others due to social pressures or conditioning. How many reading this have been told; “Where did you get that idea? Who do you think you are, anyway? What (or who) put that thought in your head?” These are usual responses to out-of-the-box thinking that many open-minded people often experience. And often as quickly they are shut down by those wishing to maintain the status quo preferring not to make waves and draw attention toward them and avoiding critical thinking at all cost. This is something conditioned into many students in our Country’s factory school system.
But this notion of power and who has more seems to be something that’s misunderstood. There was a wise statement from a very famous document that actually makes sense. It goes, “All (wo)men are created equal.”
Now if you can embrace that statement as truth that leaves a lot of potential for everyone. You see, it feels like We The People have been hoodwinked into believing we are nothing, worthless dirty Humans needing to atone for some crime we didn’t actually commit. This allows some to utilize a system of Control over the powerful masses to keep them corralled in a predetermined box of beliefs in order to extract energy from those very same masses for another’s gain. If you now have or have had a traditional job you should be well able to understand this concept.
This system didn’t spring up overnight. It was calculated by men who knew they would be long dead when it came to be at its strongest over the masses. But just like any faulty, unbalanced system it will eventually fall. This is what we are witnessing currently. But as usual, I digress so back to the original thought.
So addressing this concept of power and who has more is a tricky path to follow because of the conditioning we accepted as our own. I’d like to illustrate my thought with an example that might make it easier for me to understand and share it with you.
In front of us on a table we see two table lamps with the shades removed. The light bulbs clearly visible to see, we step closer to observe both bulbs are labeled 100 watts. Okay. Now we step back a few feet and our helper switches both lamps on and the bulbs begin shining with 100 watts of illumination. For what we can see both light bulbs appear to be of the same brightness and also giving off the same amount of heat.
But something is amiss. One of the bulbs doesn’t believe it’s as bright as the other. It was told to believe over the course of its creation that even though it will end up as a 100 watt bulb it just won’t be as bright as other 100 watt bulbs. Eventually this little bulb finally believed it was less-than even before any energy was applied to make it shine. So now the other bulb, knowing the conditioned belief applied and accepted by the other bulb, knew it could intimidate and control the conditioned bulb into backing down and allowing the superior bulb to shine brightly. But what is interesting is both bulbs, to a casual observer, are shining equally, their luminescence emitting the same energy. But one bulb doesn’t believe that and therefore feels less than. The self-proclaimed more powerful bulb can intimidate the conditioned bulb into doing almost anything because, after all, that’s just the way of things.
Can you see where this is going? What we are observing around us currently are Human light bulbs beginning to become aware they shine just as brightly as those who have been pushing a false truth that there are those who are just better than others, somehow allowing some to be used and abused for the gain of others. This awareness is happening all over the World and the men who have been in control of this twisted system are turning up the heat to extract as much gain as possible before the tainted system crashes into ashes. They are no longer able to throw us into fear and panic as they once were able to do. They overplayed their hand and drove us so far into fear we had nowhere else to go but up and out of the quagmire they conditioned us to believe we must exist in.
To summarize, it may take a little more time until the World reaches critical mass, a consciousness shift that prompts many to awaken to an awareness that quite a bit of their beliefs aren’t even their own but were put there by others with an agenda. If what was written many years ago is true, “All (wo)men are created equal”, then each of us shines with the brightness of a 100 watt bulb. Once that awareness can be accepted as fact, nothing they do can affect us anymore, similar to discovering the man behind the curtain.
You are a magnificent 100 watt bulb. It’s time we begin shining brightly again and knowing we are shining brightly, exposing with increasing light all of the darkness perpetrated upon Humanity for far too long. Knowing who you truly are creates a freedom all of us have desired for a long time. Let’s begin today.
Author: George
Conditioned Into Stress
- by George
It begins early. Our System was designed that way. Not by the masses but by a few who desired to use others for their own personal gain. It’s Stress. It is something we Westerners have been literally ordered to accept. Is there a way out?
Yes there is.
But it’s insidious. Because it’s hidden behind many veils that most are unaware of. For me, it took years to discover the pathway into the source of most stress. It was passed down from generation to generation, accepted as a normal part of life. By using various tactics, our feelings have been replaced by beliefs and those beliefs have been supplied by others. Consider that when we entered this life we brought only feelings – the feeling of hunger, the feeling of discomfort, the feeling of the love from our mother, all feelings and at that time, the total absence of beliefs.
And with those feelings we somehow knew how to express the desires we had to receive nourishment, have our diapers changed, to express when we were tired or uncomfortable and so on. This system served us well and we continued with this until that fateful day when we began to understand language. That’s when it began.
Slowly, with precision, the control system instituted long ago began seeping in. We began hearing about belief systems we were conditioned to accept as our own truth. As time marched forward many of our feelings were being heaved aside being replaced by beliefs – their beliefs. The sad truth is the beliefs and truths we were being told to believe weren’t even our own. They were part of a system designed to gain control over us to do the bidding of a few. This is the fundamental base of the stress we suffer from today.
You see, when we know something and we knowingly pretend not to know it in order to take an easy way into compliance, a part of us goes into a type of overload. Our entire biology, our mental and emotional systems begin overloading with the knowing we have become incongruent and inauthentic. We become inauthentic in order to fit in, to get that job we were conditioned to believe we must take, to join a religious system that is incongruent in its doctrines, to be accepted into certain circles of influence, the drama enactments we become involved in that keep us in a drug-like state to support that need to be approved of and accepted.
Our jobs that we were conditioned to believe we all had to work toward to “become a success” have twisted systems of management by negative reinforcement – things like, “Great job on saving the company from bankruptcy Bob, but you forgot to empty your waste basket yesterday.” Excellent motivation, if you are a masochist. But here we are accepting negativity at every turn like it’s some acceptable, normal life event but our biology, emotions and mental promptings know, beyond a doubt, this whole illusion is bullshit.
And if you attempt to step away from the system we were conditioned to believe is the only way to live, we are shamed six ways from Sunday until we step back into lockstep or disappear entirely.
There is so much more involved but by now the point has been made. The incongruent lifestyle we are told to participate in is entirely opposite of our feelings. And yet we chose to continue in this bondage of stress in order to get more money, more love, more material things, more food, more, more, more and the list goes on and on.
It continues only until our own personal systems begin to rebel with the stress instilled by a system of another’s choosing. Disease, or dis-ease, begins to creep in or sometimes just shows up overnight and knocks us down hard enough in an attempt to wake us up to what we pushed aside so long ago. The feelings we chose to bury to become a good, compliant Human begin to reappear to us. But they have been buried so long we hardly recognize these feelings and often push them aside once again due to the fear, pain and sadness these feelings are bringing to the surface for us to observe and feel once more.
The secret is to allow these feelings and knowings to appear in our current awareness, face them, acknowledge them, forgive the traumatic feelings and know they were the very same feelings we arrived with on this Planet when we were born. They are the pure feelings, the true feelings of guidance in our lives, not the fake guidance we adopted as our own so we would be accepted into the pack. They are the true feelings we brought with us from “the other side”, the feelings we brought with us when we decided to incarnate into this lifetime as a Spiritual Being having a Human experience.
In short, the one with real, true courage is one who will acknowledge these feelings for what they are - the pure Spirit feelings we arrived with. It isn’t wrong to know these feelings are our true guidance, given to us to experience Free Will on this World in order to understand how heavy energy can corrupt Humans and light energy, the energy some call love, will create a peaceful, non-stressful life that we all desire.
All we have to do is accept the promptings to open up to allowing our feelings to reemerge once again, throwing aside the tainted beliefs of others. When this happens the gifts we receive will be those we could only have dreamed of. And the stress we believed we had to live under on a daily basis will begin to magically melt away.
Sigh Of Relief
- by George
I tend to procrastinate. There’s so much to do these days it’s difficult to find the time to relax and just do nothing. So I push too many things to the next day then the next day and then the next. But this year is different.
I was able to complete my yearly ritual of filing my tax documents early.
Other years, even if I knew I was going to receive a ‘refund’, I would wait until the afternoon of April 14th to begin the process. Then I’d spend hours gathering documents, receipts and other needed items frantically searching locations where they would be stashed for the year. We would finally tap that E-File button in the tax software just in time to meet the deadline. And the worst part would be if we owed additional tax. We’d be deciding whether to pay the tax now and stop eating for a couple weeks while sitting in a chilly, darkened home or set up a payment plan.
We would always choose the latter…
But this year is different. I tapped the E-File button on Friday, April 12 and off went the digital documents, filed and accepted by both tax agencies – with a nice return of some cash anticipated soon.
It feels good to get ahead. Perhaps procrastinating really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be…
The Auto Mechanic
- by George
A Random Thought that arrived recently as a story, this time about an auto mechanic and his newborn son. A joyful day it was when his boy emerged into the World. The mechanic thought about all the wonderful things he would teach his son and was looking forward to that time.
This mechanic took great care in teaching his son all about the World including the operation and maintenance of automobiles. He was the best mechanic within 300 miles and everyone knew he could fix pretty much everything brought his way.
Soon his son celebrated his fourth birthday and his Father showed him how to fill the windshield washer fluid bottle under the hood. Then his fifth birthday arrived and his Father showed him how a jack worked so when the car had a tire blowout his son would have the proper information how to operate the jack safely. When he turned six his Father showed him how to do an oil and filter change along with how to lubricate all the areas requiring periodic attention. When the boy was seven he was shown how to diagnose and replace front and rear brakes to keep the car stopping correctly. At eight it was time to know about replacing a faulty coolant pump to keep the car running at the proper temperature. As the boy grew toward his eighteenth year it was evident this young man would have the knowledge required to take a car apart and put it back together correctly with ease, just like his Father.
Finally after what seemed a lifetime the boy reached the age of eighteen and was ready to venture out on his own armed with knowledge to support him going forward. That’s when his Father called him to the office for a little talk.
“Son”, he said, “the time has come when I must tell you the rules of the World.” The son sat quietly listening to his Father with great attention. “You see, I have been able to observe your performance over the course of the last eighteen years and I am very proud of your abilities. You have shown proficiency in all aspects of auto mechanics and you’re qualified and ready to go out on your own. But we have a problem.” The son slid forward in his chair expecting grave news was about to be told.
“You see, I know you are my son, being a part of me in a miraculous way and being like me you have all the abilities and gifts as I, your Father, have. But I must demand one thing.” His son waited as his Father took a breath, pausing to consider his words. “You must do no auto mechanics of any kind. Even though you know all there is to repair and maintain automobiles you just aren’t good enough and you never will be. Any auto mechanic work you take on has to go through me. You are just a vessel to funnel the work to me and only me. Do you understand?” The son had a puzzled look on his face indicating he had no idea why his Father would give him everything he needed then forbid him from using that knowledge and information. It just didn’t make sense.
“Father”, the son began, “I don’t understand. I am just like you and have proven my abilities to you many times over many years. May I ask why you feel you must forbid me from practicing what I know and sharing my abilities as you do?” The Father smiled.
“Because that is just how it’s done.”
Life Changing Events
- by George
To begin, I share these thoughts and memories because I now know I’m not alone. For far too many years I thought I was. Many feel the same way – they feel they are alone and no one else could ever understand. There are more similarities between Humans than there are differences although that may not be the common belief. So if only one person stumbles on these writings and gains something that assists them, my intention is complete. With that said, I move on.
Recently I stopped long enough to just get comfortable and silence my mind for a while. It was quiet and I had no particular thoughts as a focus in my awareness. And as happens frequently I was off all over the place like a kitten with a play toy, my mind visiting places of thought at the speed of light. Moments later I mentally landed on a past memory from when I was around 9 or 10 years old. I was in my bed and was supposed to be going to sleep but a distraction kept me from slumber. That day my Father had brought home a gift for me, out of the blue for no reason. It was a seven transistor radio that pulled in the glorious sounds of AM audio, the quality that sounds like it’s coming through a telephone.
As I listened to the various signals being received by this magic box I was in wonderment that I was able to know the weather in Detroit as it was happening. I would listen until the music came on then retune searching for another signal. I would stop on stations where someone was talking or advertisements were playing. In my home area we had various businesses but I was able to learn about what was available to people relatively far away. Here in Northeast Pennsylvania most weren’t aware of Piggly Wiggly, 7-11, Publix and others from Boston to Buffalo, from Atlanta to Jacksonville or Windsor, Canada and Detroit to Baltimore and Washington, D.C. Right there, right then in my bed I was able to travel to places, at least hear places, that would take hours or days to travel to.
This was a turning point in my life. I would study everything I could find on radio, when it was discovered, its early beginnings, how it worked and where it came from, as in the radio stations sharing programming with the World from their own cities. I was hooked. The radio bug infected me and I would do anything I could to learn about it. Fortunately I had a set of encyclopedias, the forerunners of Google, for reference and I would bounce from one topic to another in my pursuit to understand.
Then finally in 1977 contacts I had made lead me to my first job in radio in my area, the Sunday morning programming on a local AM radio station. Over the next 30 plus years I was either part-time or full time in radio in various departments; news, disc jockey, traffic reports in Miami and finally settling in Engineering taking care of the equipment in the studios and transmitter sites for AM and FM radio stations.
So I began considering, when that memory returned a few moments ago, what would have happened to me or where I would be right now if my Dad hadn’t gifted me with one small seemingly insignificant plastic magic box? I have many, many fond memories during my time in the radio biz and I wouldn’t trade them for the World. I then realized even the smallest influence could change a life. Pay attention to even the littlest of things that tug on awareness. One may never know where it just might lead…
Just My Luck
- by George
Our lives are influenced by those around us and one undesirable habit we adopt is one where misfortune causes us to utter, “Just My Luck.” Have you noticed the more often we say “just my luck” the more undesirable things come our way?
From personal experience I can say this, it works. When I would express “just my luck” the Universe around me would respond with more events that would cause me to exclaim “just my luck” even more. When I discovered I was drawing all these events to me, I began catching myself when I would acknowledge something that I didn’t want with an affirmation like “just my luck”. For those with a puzzled look on their face, it goes like this.
We should all be familiar with rubbing a balloon across a wool sweater. The balloon creates and absorbs a charge in the form of static electricity. When the balloon is brought close to another surface it will cling to that surface like magic. That’s also how our thoughts operate since thoughts are electromagnetic and have been measured as such by science on numerous occasions.
So here we are reacting to an event we feel ungrateful for by expressing a thought that sets up a charge that will cling to whatever is being thought of. Thus more of what is not wanted continues to be drawn into our lives. It took me decades to realize that I had been the one bringing certain events toward me just because I was thinking about them in a particular way. Once I discovered this law of attraction, I would catch myself going to express the “just my luck” statement of approval of an undesired event and was able to shift my beliefs.
It wasn’t easy it first. It took many, many (many) months to begin purging the urge to respond in a way that would draw even more undesirable toward me. It also took me a long time to stop beating myself up when I would “fail” by voicing that statement aloud. But as time moved forward I would catch myself saying “just my…” then eventually shortened to “Just…” and finally scaled back to “…” until the reaction was replaced by a question.
“What was that all about?”
This apparently small shift in thinking began to affect what was happening around me. The charge I was creating began to change and many of those undesired occurrences began to subside greatly. By acknowledging the event as nothing more than an experience, I was able to let go and realized I didn’t want any more of that kind of example. This change in reaction to an action didn’t eliminate all undesired events around me but I noticed the rate dropped enough that I don’t have any desire to express “just my luck” anymore. I can site an example from my own life as I shifted away from that departing mindset.
I work part-time in retail. Early on I would have to assist customers who, at times, were the most difficult people to enter my life. It took great restraint to keep my feelings hidden and I would help them as quickly as I could then send them on their way out of my area. But as I began shifting, a curious thing began happening. I hardly ever got difficult, angry customers anymore. I don’t even consider that I would have to deal with people who are so upset with their own lives that they want to share that frustration with the rest of the World. My charge changed and I don’t draw that kind of energetic charge toward me anymore. In fact the charge I attempt to carry daily might even repel their energetic charge, similar to opposite poles of magnets that repel one another.
It took time but was well worth it. From my experience I can say more positive things are now coming my way than negative. This Random Thought is being shared today for some who may find this missive and discover value in the information shared here. If you are one of those people, all the best to overcoming that habit that holds a thought process in bondage. It can be overcome and at first it may not appear anything is happening just as a frozen river appears to be unmoving. But under the surface things are happening it’s just that it takes time for the thaw to occur when action will be observed to the effort that has been put into the change desired. Don’t give up. It will happen. You’ll see.
Thoughts on Sound and Mass
- by George
I recently stumbled on an article describing a theory that sound can indeed produce mass. After reading it for a third time a Random Thought came crashing into my awareness. The following is from a recent article titled ‘We just got more evidence that sound waves really do carry mass’
“…Traditionally when we think of sound waves, we think of invisible vibrations moving weightless through the air - not carrying any mass.
That might be about to change. Physicists have just provided further evidence that particles of sound really can carry tiny amounts of mass. And that means they can produce their own gravitational fields - which could be a big deal for our understanding of space.
But let's back up for a second and go back to the basics. Kick a ball, and you put energy into it. Einstein would tell you you've also contributed a tiny bit of mass by making it accelerate.
If that ball is a tiny particle, and the kick is a wave of sound, you might imagine the same thing. Yet for decades, physicists have argued over whether the momentum within a surge of jiggling particles adds up to a net amount of mass…”
This might prove interesting for future ideas. If sound can produce mass as they theorize, can sound be recorded into a recording device, say through a sound card of a computer, and stored on a storage device to be played back later? Does this theory also come into play that the same mass will reemerge again from a loudspeaker?
Now, if this proves true then perhaps we can say that the sound being transmitted, by say FM Radio, can also convert mass into radio frequency energy and reconvert the sound back into mass again?
Again, if this can or does happen, can we presume that something such as a Star Trek Transporter can actually work converting mass into radio and back to mass again? Rumors circulate that this type of action, ‘transmitting’ mass across open space, has already been done with small, simple non-biologic objects.
Could future Humans ‘beam’ across space as illustrated in Star Trek? This could finally be a solution to long lines at the TSA checkpoint in airports. We can just ‘beam’ to that warm tropical beach in the dead of winter and return all in the same day.
I guess only time will tell…
My Driveway Tells of Change
- by George
I’m different somehow. But I don’t look different. I feel things differently. But I don’t feel differently, not really.
Change has happened but it has happened at a rate that allowed me to accept what was occurring without fear. Gradual it was over many years but as I gazed out the window today I noticed my driveway. There was still a lot of snow and ice covering a lot of places on the pavement. And I wasn’t becoming apoplectic about it. This caused me to begin a short self-reflection of where I am now.
You see, ten years ago I would have been out there with a sturdy shovel scraping and chopping the frozen enemy from my asphalt. None would remain. I had to have the cleanest parking spots of anyone along my street. After all, it was the rule to be as thorough as Humanly possible. That’s what I was conditioned to believe. Then I wondered – by whom? Is being so utterly anal the actual essence of being a proper Human or was there another option?
Where we have evolved to today displays every indicator of how our World is been ever changing even though there are those who would have you believe otherwise. There were supposed to be various boxes and depending on whom you wanted to be, you would choose one of those boxes, climb in and stay there. This way you would fit in with a group you wished to be like and the rest of your life would be happily ever after. Or not.
This is where it oftentimes begins not to make sense. You made your choice and settled into you chosen box. Your life continued onward. But as you peered out of your protective box you observed others who appeared not to be constrained by any structure. This of course began a lifelong relationship with Judgement. Often that judgement leads to disease, caused by the added stresses from the behavior that doesn’t match your own – and it’s judged to be wrong. After all, it doesn’t match the rules of the box you chose so long ago and it’s just not right…
I too fell for the box choosing paradigm. There were behaviors of others that just weren’t correct, they didn’t comply with the behavior manual that came along with the box. We all got one, that manual that accompanied our box written on a stone tablet never to be changed – ever. Then change happened.
It was slow at first to allow for beliefs to be examined, cognized and understood. That’s when, for me, I had discovered that many, many of my beliefs weren’t even my own but had been placed there by others all vying for my allegiance to their beliefs in order to give credibility to their System. This allowed them to feel good about themselves, that they were right and anyone who didn’t believe their System was wrong – totally wrong. That was the dilemma I faced.
When I began questioning beliefs I had carried for decades and began discovering that many of them were flawed, many extremely flawed, I began digging deeper into a belief system I thought I could trust. And there lies the crux of the systems available. All of them are right. That is, they are right for those who subscribe to a particular belief system. And of course everyone else is wrong and sometimes so wrong they must be killed because their system doesn’t match your system and therefore must be destroyed.
When I began discovering the insanity of the paradigms we were literally ordered to believe, it made it easier to identify beliefs that no longer served in my best interest any longer. The tables have turned, as they have always been turning but instead they have turned to a place they have never turned before. This angers many people who still cling to belief systems instituted two thousand and even three thousand years ago. Consider this, do you still use a rotary dial telephone or an old Royal typewriter when you need to send a message? Are you still enjoying your favorite television shows in glorious black and white? Do you follow the rules when traveling cross country on the train like a good believer? Of course not. This begs the question, “Why are we still following belief systems instilled during times when we still used magneto crank telephones, horse drawn buggies and messages by telegraph?” Or even further in the past…
I had discovered too many ‘systems’ I had bought into were outdated, some even on the day I bought into them. This lead to a decade or more of searching for truth to what is - and what isn’t. This caused fearful people to judge and ridicule my actions, words and beliefs – or lack of beliefs. As was stated before, I discovered that as Humans coming into this lifetime we arrived with absolutely no beliefs what-so-ever. We arrived with only Feelings. We felt hungry, we felt cold, we felt loved. Only feelings, nothing more. Then gradually over time as we observed the World around us we discovered life was easier if we fit in with those around us and began buying into their behaviors and beliefs just as they had done before me.
But it’s well time for us, as Humans, to begin acknowledging that we were unknowingly duped. Many people actually know they were duped but are suppressing that knowing and instead are displaying anger and hatred toward those who have openly awakened from the system of suppression Humanity has been under for centuries. They are following their Feelings as they discard their beliefs. This could be a difficult idea for some but with some heroic digging they too can find the understanding in this concept.
So, my driveway is a mess. And you know what? It truly doesn’t matter anymore…
- by George
We’re sitting down to the evening meal ready to enjoy the food before us when it happens… the phone rings. We drop the fork and get to the phone. The calling number: Unknown. If we’re adventurous we answer only to be assailed with some spiel about buying another useless plastic doohickey that will last as long as the phone call. In disgust, we hang up and return to the table.
I have been pondering an idea for a while and finally today I went forward with it. I researched the tones we hear when we dial a number that is disconnected or no longer in service. I was able to locate a recording of the proper tones and download them. Then I recorded a message explaining why you have heard the tones and the usual statement to leave a message after the beep. After editing it all together I used the mobile phone to play back the audio file into the phone as my new land line greeting.
Now hopefully the telemarketer’s robo-calling equipment will detect the tones and decide to remove me from their files. I guess only time will tell.
Linked below are the links and files I used to make this happen.
The tones: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_information_tone Scroll down to SIT example recordings and encoding scheme then look for the Intercept (IC) tones.
More background: https://archive.is/20130119170134/http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/tel_pswt/vco_prod/sup_call/sup04.htm Look for Table 4-4: Special Information Tones (SITs)
The recording I used after editing: http://bit.ly/2tlvJ3H
And if you want to go full tilt: https://jollyrogertelephone.com/ They provide a way to string along telemarketers so you don’t have to. Cost starts at about 99 cents per month.
The Allegory of the Magic House and the Rivers
- by George
This story came to me recently as a way to explain where we are in the changes we are experiencing. Everyone I meet is going through some sort of life challenge currently with emotions being stirred up to a high level. I feel if we break down the word Emotion it can be defined this way: Energy Motion or E-motion. Even the scientist Einstein stated, “Nothing happens until something moves” and at present a lot of energy is moving. And some of this energy is a type that cannot be defined or understood since it’s arriving from areas of the Galaxy we haven’t been exposed to before. All the energy types we have experienced in the past are just that, in the past. New energies have arrived and these energies can also be thought of as new vibrations or a new vibrational energy.
Now some may say, “What the heck are you talking about, vibrations… energies… I don’t understand.” You see, our Solar System orbits around the center of the Galaxy just as Earth orbits around our Sun. The date of December 21, 2012 was a marker in time where our Solar System, along with Earth, has orbited into a different energetic section that’s being affected by the Galactic Center. This is being discussed in the scientific communities as various different types of gamma rays and cosmic rays are being detected and speculated upon, these frequencies and intensities being a bit different than before.
“Okay, so what does this mean to me?” This. The support systems we have been used to for centuries are falling apart. Not all at once mind you since the Source of All would not want to destroy the Earth or Humanity in the process. It is a fairly slow process allowing Humans, who for the most part really dislike change, to adapt to the new way of being as the old paradigms begin breaking down and fading away. Some are livid about this change and they will do all they can to stop it. But they can’t, just as you would not be able to stop a boulder in midair as it falls from a cliff.
So in order to attempt to explain this in a way we might understand this concept easier I was given an allegory, a story that illustrates what is happening to us in the now.
There is a magic house situated next to a river. And as we stand on the riverbank we can detect the scent of peppermint that seems to be coming from the water as it flows past. For many years we’ve become used to this scent and enjoy our time by the river. Then one night while we are sleeping, for whatever reason, our magic house transports itself and us to a new location on the banks of another river. When we awaken we discover we are in a different location so we decide to explore.
There are different creatures of types we haven’t seen before roaming the land and we are saddened because we no longer see our animal friends we have been used to. But our spirits begin to lighten as we discover a different scent emanating from the water flowing in our new river. This new scent is of lavender and it helps us calm from the change we just experienced. And we begin living life in this new area with new trees, creatures and scents to learn. After a time we realize this new location isn’t bad in fact it’s better than where we were holding ourselves for many years. We become accustomed to our new surroundings and settle into our daily routine. Then one night as we sleep our magic house transports us to yet another place next to another river.
In the morning we awaken to find we have been moved to another location and our emotions well up as sadness sets in again. This time when we visit the riverbank we detect the scent of jasmine and it helps us transition into this new location and we begin adjusting to this new area.
But as time proceeds forward as time does, the perceived schedule, if there is one, seems to be speeding up. And we awaken again to another location as our magic house has moved us once more. More newness and even more resistance by those still lamenting the time we lived along a river that smelled like peppermint. But this time our river has a rose scent. The scent of rose being of a higher vibration, this higher frequency assists us to begin settling in much faster than before.
Those who have been able to connect the dots of what has been happening over the last number of decades can understand that we are being given opportunities to experience life each day in a higher way. You see, life is not meant to be stagnant doing the same things in the same way for centuries. That is not the way of the Universe. The Universe is constantly in motion ever expanding outward. But Humanity has been ordered to remain stationary in a fluid environment and has done a fairly good job doing so. But just as a child’s balloon that is being filled can only take a finite amount of air before it bursts, so it goes with Humanity. Humanity could be held in place only so long before the vibrational changes that have been occurring for a number of decades finally burst the balloon. There are many that are melancholy for the days of the old balloon and are trying as hard as they can to mend the balloon but it has reached the end of its usefulness and must be discarded. We are becoming untethered to any system that attempts to corral Humans into a pen like animals. The energies arriving now are supporting our changes into a new area where everyone will have opportunities to connect with abundance and a good life.
The allegory above can be likened to our Earth, our magic house that keeps moving our location to yet another river of energy of different vibrational scents. When we awaken tomorrow there might be yet a new scent for us to enjoy as we change locations once again. There’s no need to fight it since nothing can be done to stop the ever increasing speed of the change. It’s best we just ride it out knowing we are being taken well care of by our own magic house. Enjoy the journey…